Help for Haiti

January 15, 2010

OK, folks; step up here. A couple of my fellow food bloggers are stepping away from the kitchen to help those whose have not only no kitchen, but no food or water, not to mention devastating damage and injuries, in the wake of the Haiti quake.

For the next week, comment on this post and tell me what charity you prefer to support to help the people in Haiti. I’ll donate 50 cents per comment to the most popular charity from the comments. If you’ve donated to the Haitian relief effort already, tell me that, and I’ll up my match on your behalf to a buck. (Yes, I’m trusting you to be honest about it, and if you’re not, it’s still in a good cause and those people need all the help they can get.)

So get out your checkbooks or credit cards and make your donations to the charity of your choice, let me know about it, and after noon on next Friday, my donation will be on its way as well. If you can’t afford to donate, just shout out good wishes and love and prayers to Haiti on here, and we’ll go from there.

And stop for a moment and be thankful for what we have, especially in comparison to those who are suffering so horribly this week.

125 Responses to “Help for Haiti”

  1. i’ll start! doctors w/o borders.

  2. Nikki Says:

    Thanks so much for doing this and for donating, you will truly touch lives. I don’t know what the greatest need is right now but I would support

    Doctors without Borders
    Red Cross

  3. Tonya Lynn Says:

    This is amazing! May the Haitians see Christ’s love through our help

    My Charity of Choice: Doctors without Borders.

    (Also I have donated to the Red Cross by texting “Haiti” to “90999” – For anyone that doesn’t know it will automatically charge $10 to your next cellphone bill and give the donation to the Red Cross to help with relief efforts in Haiti)

  4. Kathryn Says:

    Great idea! I’ve already donated to WorldVision’s relief efforts.

  5. Lori Says:

    I’ve donated to the American Red Cross.

  6. Lowell Says:

    Thanks for doing this!
    We’ve donated to Doctors without Borders.

  7. Tammy Says:

    Catholic Relief Services. They’ve been working in Haiti for years anyway, and are always one of the first at any disaster.

  8. Kandace Says:

    Thank you for your generous donations!

  9. Melissa Allen Says:

    I donated $5.00 to YELE! Thanks for doing this 🙂

  10. Lori Allen Says: ~ I’ve been donating as much as I can and commenting where I can to make the most impact! Thank you for doing this!

  11. Alice Says:

    Doctors Without Borders

  12. Mary Says:

    I found you through the Thursday Night Smackdown blog. Thank you so much for your generosity! A friend of mine has done a lot of volunteer work in Haiti and he has urged his friends to donate to UNICEF, so that’s my charity of choice.

  13. Kacy Says:

    Thanks for doing this…I have donated to the American Red Cross.

  14. hawkshearth Says:

    Thank you for doing this. My thoughts are with the people of Haiti.

  15. jenny Says:

    Dr’s Without Borders

  16. Natalie Says:

    Thanks for doing this!

  17. manorbooks Says:

    Wish I could do more, thank goodness you and others can. Blessings on Haiti and you all! American Red Cross.

  18. boatsafe Says:

    Bless you and Doctors without Borders.

  19. Mary Says:

    Thanks you for your compassion and generosity. I choose Partners in Health.

  20. Marie Says:

    Doctors without Borders.
    Thank you!!!

  21. Kathie Says:

    Thank you for doing this!
    My husband and I donated to the American Red Cross on Wednesday.

  22. BJ Says:

    Thank you for doing what you can to help. Any charity works; we just need to get as much to Haiti as we possibly can.

  23. Benae Says:

    Thanks for helping the people of Haiti!

    (I have donated to the American Red Cross and to Compassion International.)

  24. GA in GA Says:

    Thank you for making the donations!

    Save the Children or
    Doctors Without Borders

  25. Thank you very much for organizing this effort. Using your blog to raise funds lets everyone help out. I gave you a little shout out on my blog so hopefully you will get a few more visitors! Thanks again.

  26. Oops, forgot to say that I would donate to Doctors without Borders.

  27. Marilee Says:

    Thank you for your generous spirit.

    I would support Doctors without Borders.

  28. Katie Says:

    What a fantastic thing to do!

    I donated $10 to the American Red Cross.

    Thanks so much for what you are doing!

  29. KLBezooyen Says:

    thank you for doing this. you’re right; they need al the help they can get right now.

  30. Shanda Says:

    The amount of support from the world has been astounding. I have donated to the Lions – they aren’t just about eyes. There are Lions in Haiti, and LCIF is getting the funds and supplies to the people who are there and know how the country works.

  31. Nico Says:

    We donated to but I think
    Doctors without Borders
    Red Cross
    Or Compassion International are wonderful as well. There’s so many organizations doing good work.

    Thank you for doing this.

  32. I love the power of the blogosphere!

    My choice charities include Doctors without Borders, The Clinton Foundation and the American Red Cross

  33. Anna Says:

    Thank you for doing this! I have made a small donation to Doctors Without Borders, and I’m making the rounds to all the generous bloggers out there.

  34. Dawn Says:

    Samaritan’s Purse. Thank you for doing this – may our weeping drive us to our knees (Luke 13:1-5) and to our wallets (Luke 25:40).

  35. Angela S Says:

    Red Cross or Doctors without Borders.

    And I texted in a $10 donation to the Red Cross (HAITI to 90999) and $5 to Yele Haiti (YELE to 501501).

  36. Kim Says:

    What a wonderful thing you’re doing! We’ve donated to Red Cross – every penny helps!

  37. Nancy Says:

    Donating to Yele

  38. […] left until January 24th (up to 1000 comments); proceeds will be donated to Doctors Without Borders. Kay at the Keyboard will be donating 50 cents per comment to the most popular charity in her comments. And $5 dinners […]

  39. Karenpie Says:

    Thank you so much! We have friends who are missionaries down there and have heard first hand of the desperation and horror. It’s heart-breaking. God bless you for what you’re doing.

  40. Kellie Says:

    I heard about Haiti first from an e-mail my pastor sent out. We’re an Anglican church, so he linked to the Anglican Relief and Development Fund’s page to help Haiti through the crisis ( and that’s where I donated when I first heard.

    Thank you for doing this. I don’t have any family connection to Haiti, but I’ve never seen so many bloggers respond so generously to any disaster before.

  41. Jayme Says:

    It’s wonderful to see so many blogs doing this. Thank you for letting us help in this way! I would like to nominate Doctors without Borders 🙂

  42. Thank you for doing this. I am supporting the Week of Compassion fund sponsored by the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

  43. Jullee Says:

    Thank you 🙂

  44. Jane in KC Says:

    American Red Cross – Thank you for helping.

  45. Dee Says:

    wonderful! I would also nominate Doctors without Borders

  46. Sally Says:

    Way to go! I’m with you on this one!! I support the American Red Cross.

  47. Amy M Says:

    Thanks for your generosity. My thoughts and prayers to all affected by this tragedy!

  48. Tobey Says:

    Praying for those in Haiti. Thank you for doing this!

  49. Stacy Says:

    Thank you for doing this! I have donated via text to Red Cross already and hope to do more.

  50. Libby Says:

    Thank you! I donated $10 to the Red Cross, & to Compassion. (I have a Compassion child in India.)

  51. I donated to Doctors Without Borders. Thank you for your generosity and for being a part of something that is snowballing!

  52. Taryn Says:

    Thank you for doing this. And just as a reminder to everyone (not because you haven’t heard it, but maybe you haven’t done it yet) you can donate $10 to the Red Cross via cell phone by texting the word HAITI to 90999.

    Every cell phone carrier (in the US) is waiving the fees if you choose to do so.

  53. Jennifer M. Says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Haiti tonight. Thank you for your generosity!

  54. […] Kay at the Keyboard: donating 50 cents to $1 comments made to this post by noon next Friday […]

  55. Bria Grace Says:

    Consider me commented!

  56. Dawn Says:

    I donated to Heartline Ministries, 20 years on the ground in Haiti. Thank you so much!

  57. Gretchen Says:

    Thank you so much for doing this! I donated to the Red Cross.

  58. Nicole Says:

    I donated $50 to

    God Bless You and the people you are helping!

  59. Teresa Verduzco Says:

    I volunteer with Haiti Outreach in Pignon, Haiti. Thank you for helping the Haitian people!

  60. Sally B. Says:

    Thank you so much for your generous heart. I’ve donated to the American Red Cross ($10) and Yele ($5)

  61. Crystal Says:

    I donated to World Vision… thanks for doing this! God Bless you!

  62. L.Kennedy Says:

    So cool that you’re doing this! Any charity that helps is awesome, but I donated $12.00 to Red Cross.

  63. Lisa Says:

    Thanks for doing this. Thoughts and prayers are with Haiti.

  64. Jenn Says:

    Heartline would be my choice- thank you for what you are doing

  65. Wendy Says:

    Thank you!!! I’ve donated to Compassion International, RHFH Rescue Center and Salvation Army Canada.

  66. heidi Says:

    thank you for giving us one more way we can help

  67. Susan Says:

    I am so amazed (and thankful) by how many bloggers are doing this Donate per comment. I texted Haiti to 90999 from my cell.

    I also like the Red Cross.

  68. tara Says:

    Red Cross, thank you.

  69. Sarka Says:

    Thank you for doing this. My choice is Doctors without Borders.

  70. Sharon Says:

    We’ve donated to the Red Cross. Thank you for what you are doing for Haiti!

  71. Mary Says:

    I love what Compassion International is doing. Thank you for your heart.

  72. Jenna Says:

    I’m commenting in honor of Cory and her family. She supports Heartline so they get my vote.

  73. Christina Says:

    I donated $20 to Heartline Ministries: Wish it could’ve been more, but at least by commenting here I can help more get donated.

  74. […] that’s $1970, not counting the people who have now started doing this on their own blogs (Kay at the Keyboard is still […]

  75. Shauna Says:

    So glad you are doing this.

  76. Sabeena Says:

    Great idea, I’ve donated $5 to Yele

  77. Sally Says:

    Red Cross please.

  78. ACB Says:

    I vote for Doctors w/o Borders. I donated to Heartline Ministries – Americans running an orphanage and clinic in Haiti – at

  79. […] go back to my Friday post, here:, and comment, and get yourself counted on the donation register between now and noon […]

  80. Riley Says:

    I am commenting in honor of Corey and her family at Watching the Waters. My charity of choice is the American Red Cross.

  81. Julia Says:

    Red Cross or Partners in Health (where I’ve already donated). Great idea. Thank you.

  82. Kristen Says:

    Thank you for this! I have already donated to

  83. Trisha Says:

    I donated to Doctors without Borders already. Thank you!

  84. mira templen Says:

    thank you.

  85. katklaw777 Says:

    Good wishes to Haiti and to Doctors without Borders. Strength to all…….. thanks.

  86. mayhem Says:

    He support Heartline Minsitries in Haiti!

  87. Lisa Hill Says:

    Thank you, thank you!! We are donating to Heartline Ministries!

  88. kate Says:

    I came here from Thursday Night Smackdown. Donated to Doctors Without Borders, not much, but I’m unemployed right now. Thank you for being willing to donate too!

  89. megan Says:

    Thank you. Doctors Without Borders.

  90. candace Says:

    i am donating to the american red cross and architecture for humanity (earthquakes dont kill people…. buildings do). thank you for your campaign.

  91. Tanis Says:

    This is such a great effort! I’ve donated to Doctors without Borders, and I may make another donation or two to other worthy organizations – still doing the research.

  92. apricotta Says:

    I donated to Partners in Health.

    This is so cool!

  93. arwo Says:

    Thank you; Doctors without Borders!

  94. […] the by Kay at the Keyboard’s fundraising effort for Haiti is still going on. All’s you gotta do it comment, so get […]

  95. Natalie Says:

    I’ve donated to Doctors Without Borders.

  96. Partners in Health!

  97. Dee Says:

    I’ve donated $25 to the American Red Cross. Thank you for all that you are doing.

  98. amy Says:

    I have donated to Red Cross, Wyclef Jean’s Yele Haiti fund, and the Clinton Foundation. Thanks, Kay.

  99. Ruby Says:

    Thank you!

  100. sarahbicky Says:

    Heartline Ministries or World Wide Village are only two of MANY groups that are making a difference on the ground in Haiti…. Thanks Kay!

  101. Granny Says:

    Thanks for doing this! I’ve donated to the Red Cross already; I think I’d spread the love and ask you to donate to Doctors without Borders. Thanks!

  102. Sarah Says:

    I donated to world relief.

  103. Liz Says:

    I’ve donated to Medcin Sans Frontiere/Doctors without Borders and would love to support the work their doing.

  104. Anna Says:

    I made a small donation to Doctors Without Borders.

    Thanks for doing this!

  105. s. graham Says:

    i donated to the american red cross. because i used to work for them, i have seen the work that the international red cross and red crescent do after disasters. but any charity that will put funds to good use is worth supporting!

    thank you for all of your help!

    ~ s.graham

  106. Stephanie Says:

    I donated to Doctors Without Borders.

  107. fiddlemethis Says:

    Got here through TNS…I donated to Doctors Without Borders yesterday. Thanks for doing this!

  108. orata Says:

    I donated to the American Red Cross via text message and am planning to donate to Doctors Without Borders.

  109. […] Kay at the Keyboard is still running her comment-for-donations drive for Haiti, so head on over, leave her a comment […]

  110. LissaM Says:

    I donated to the Red Cross–designated for International Fund

  111. ariel Says:

    I donated to the American Red Cross!

  112. Julie Says:

    Did the ARC via text thing, but also like Doctors without borders. Thanks for doing this!

  113. graciecat Says:

    Thanks for doing this, a great opportunity to give.

  114. Andrea Says:

    donated $25 via text messaging here in Canada, through the Rogers Wireless Network. They’ll be forwarding 100 per cent of the money raised through OneXOne Foundation to Partners in Health: Haiti, Cdn Red Cross, etc. but any charity you pick is good to me!

  115. Kat Says:

    I donated to the American Red Cross. I think they’re great because they share resources with other groups.

  116. Elizabeth Says:

    I donated $25 to Médecins Sans Frontières but I should be honest. I specified “greatest need” on my donation. The woman on the phone and I both suspected it would be going to Haiti relief but one never can tell. (There are so many areas of the world in dire need!)

    I tried to donate to the Red Cross but couldn’t get through because all the phonelines were so busy and the online donation page was refusing to load. Thank you for the reminder to try again.

    I also plan to send a donation to World Vision, as they were already working in Haiti.

    Thank you for doing this! (found you via Thursday Night Smackdown)

  117. Kath the Cook Says:

    Kay – you are the bomb! or the cat’s pajamas – or lot’s of other sayings I’m not up to date with. best – kath

  118. […] Open a new tab and go to Kay at the Keyboard’s post Help for Haiti to leave comment telling her about your […]

  119. Patricia Says:

    I’ve already donated to the Red Cross and am participating in a school wide donation drive. So far, my K class parents have donated $130.

    I heard about you on ejm’s “blog from OUR kitchen”. Thank you for doing this.

  120. Kath the Cook Says:

    Hi – me one more time. thanks for doing this!

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